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The European Environment Festival Foundation organizes the only of its kind annual International Environment Festival in Bulgaria – “Green Wave – 21st Century” for films and TV programmes dedicated to ecology and environment protection. The festival features TV companies, productions, advertising and publishing houses and agencies, nongovernmental organizations, electronic and printed media, experts, scientists and cultural activists working on the coverage and solution of environmental issues. The festival aims to stimulate the creation of competitive film and media products directed at raising the public’s ecological culture and awareness and contributes to the protection of human life and conservation of the environment.
The Foundation’s activity is also related to the staging of a series of ecological events and initiatives with a broad spectrum of participation by Bulgarian state and municipal institutions, academic centers, universities, ecological and human rights organizations, leading experts in the fields of ecology and medicine, electronic and printed media.
The prime goal of the European Environment Festival Foundation is to get the public acquainted with the overwhelming ecological risks and ways of coping with them with a helping hand from the media and nongovernmental organizations.

European Environment Festival Foundation
4 Slaveykov sq., 4 th floor, office 401
1000 Sofia, BULGARIA
tel.: (+359 2) 988 26 84, (+359) 878 175 881;
fax: (+359 2) 988 26 84
е-mail: greenwave@euroekofest.org,
web site: www.euroekofest.org

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