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The International Environment Festival “Green Wave – 21st Century” is oraganizes for the seventh year by the European Environment Festival Foundation.
The European Environment Festival “Green Wave – 21st Century” aims to present contemporary films and TV programmes dedicated to ecology and environment protection as well as to acquaint the public at large with ongoing environmentalist activities.
The International Contest helps to create a competitive environment for film producers and ecology-related media and encourage filmmakers and the media community to produce and propagate productions which enrich environmental culture and awareness of society and contribute towards the protection of human life and the environment.
The Festival is a traditional occasion for professionals from different spheres to meet – directors, script-writers, producers, journalists from Bulgaria and abroad, experts /ecologists, medical doctors, lawyers, sociologists, psychologists and pedagogues/ from various governmental institutions and international organizations, which join their efforts and ideas to resolve the existing ecological problems.
According to the European Union, a great significance should be attributed to ecology and ecological innovations. Bulgaria is already a full member of the European Union and the organization of the international “Green Wave – 21st Century” European Environment Festival is one example proving that the importance of the current and crucial issue of environment protection is acknowledged. This is a signal not only for us, but also for the European community, that protecting nature, human life, and biological species should become a priority of all the state and civil organizations.
By organizing the Forum, the European Environment Festival Foundation contributes towards a better awareness of the Bulgarian society and its involvement in the faster and more effective search for paths and solutions to prevent environmental hazards.
Every human being has many basic human rights, but the greatest of all is his right to life, which is based on his care of nature! We are keen on our work and do it with love, so we sincerely hope that through the International Environment Festival “Green Wave – 21st Century” we will help to defend our universal human rights – to live in a healthy and favorable environment!
Do not be late for the meeting and do not miss the opportunity to see the best environmental films and TV programmes!
The Board of the European Environment Festival Foundation and the Organizational Committee of the festival wishes success to all the participants in the forum!

The last six editions of the festival were realized with the support and cooperation of:

  • Europe 2003 programme of the European Union, 2005
  • Ministry of Environment and Water - Enterprise for Management of Environmental Protection Activities, the Royal Netherlands Embassy, Sofia, Bulgaria under the Small Embassy Projects Programme (Matra/KAP), the UNDP/GEF and the Regional Environmental Center for CEE in the framework of the Danube Regional Project, 2006
  • Royal Netherlands Embassy, Sofia, Bulgaria under the Small Embassy Projects Programme (Matra/KAP) and the Austrian Embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria, 2007
  • Koprivstitsa Municipality, Department of Museums - Town of Koprivstitsa, 2008
  • Koprivstitsa Municipality, Department of Museums - Town of Koprivstitsa, 2009
  • Kardzhali Municipality, 2011
  • European Commission – Representation in Bulgaria and Kardzhali Municipality, 2012

Ecological rights and obligations of the state and the Bulgarian citizens, stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, of July 12, 1991:


Art. 15. The Republic of Bulgaria shall ensure the protection and reproduction of the environment, the conservation of living Nature in all its variety, and the sensible utilization of the country’s natural and other resources.
Art. 18. (1) The state shall enjoy exclusive ownership rights over the underground resources; beaches and national thoroughfares, as well as over waters, forests and parks of national importance, and the natural and archaeological reserves established by law.
(2) The state shall exercise sovereign rights in prospecting, developing, utilizing, protecting and managing the continental shelf and the exclusive off-shore economic zone, and the biological, mineral and energy resources therein.


Art. 55. Citizens shall have the right to a healthy and favorable environment corresponding to established standards and norms. They shall protect the environment.

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