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Eco Week


Non-commercial screenings and discussions of the awarded films from the European Environment Festival “Green Wave – 21st Century”

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European Environment Festival Foundation starts in 2008 the organization of the Green Cinema – one unforgettable Week of the ecological films in Sofia.
After closing of each festival edition the interest of the Bulgarian society and particularly this of the capital and the young people towards the films of the festival is very enormous. Members of ecological organizations, many citizens, academic and artistic guilds via the national media and web portals have raised the question for the presented current ecological films from the festival to become available for the larger audience in the capital which will be acquainted with the discussed global and vital for people’s lives and planet problems and questions and the way for solving them. A particular interest is deserved by the problems related to Climate change and the combat against Global warming.
Therefore the Foundation in accordance to the Regulation of the European Environment Festival “Green Wave – 21st Century” initiates the organization of the Green cinema: Environment Film Week in Sofia. The idea is this project to become traditional during the next years and have its forthcoming editions in other cultural institutions in the capital.
The films and TV programmes from four different continents which we present during the Week give a full picture of the permanently increasing ecological threats and conflicts in various spots in the world and the most important thing – they show the decisions and measures which are taken by states and non-government organizations against the ecological problems, depicting the unforeseen consequences from the lack of straightforward policy in the field of ecology. They also show the need for collaboration between the different governments, international institutions and civil society, which should act in cooperation for solving particular environment issues.
During the forthcoming Environment Film Week, we hope to contribute for more successful popularity of the green idea among the young people in Bulgaria and a change in the priorities from the current consumption value system towards a better awareness, ecological education and culture, healthy way of life and adopting the established ecological principles and standards in the European countries.
This is our next message to the large audience to reconsider the ecological problems and invitation for the forthcoming festivals.
The 6th edition of the Week of the ecological films in Sofia will be held at the beginning of December 2013 at the Czech Center in Sofia.
Look forward to the best ecological films and TV programmes in Sofia!

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